Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who is an Analyst?

Okay so we have eventually come to that point in the evolution of human civilization, our very own society, technology adoption and its usage or for that matter simply the norms of behavior where almost everything of what we do lead to data creation, leaving a trail of informational pieces. Through various methodologies and processes, these pieces somehow come to reside in data repositories, databases, and/or clouds. High - performance organizations consistently, reliably, economically, and innovatively actually do something with that data. Someone in the enterprise takes that data and does something interesting with it. The people doing some of the highest - value and most interesting things with data are sometimes called analysts. These knowledge alchemists transform data into insight.

Analysts are probably the least understood and most under - the - radar animals in the modern enterprise today. One of the main reasons for starting this blog is to help mainstream decision makers better understand who these people are!